Faith Commitment
My agreement with God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit:
I vow to listen and obey. I surrender to be used by God for change of heart and renewal of mind for men, women, and children anywhere God guides me. I am willing and eager for God to discipline every area of my thinking, doing, and being. I wait on God's guidance and direction for helping others. I live on the basis of appreciation of others and what I have to learn from God through them, to be a co-worker with God for his kingdom here on
Father I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ your son, my brother and friend. I am seeking wisdom for doing your will. In the name of Jesus Christ I take authority over Satan and his fallen angel. I command that they be rendered deaf, dumb, and blind to my prayers and removed from my presence. I place my own voice under subjection to the shed blood of Jesus Christ and command that my own thoughts, will and emotions be taken captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit. I ask Father that only your Holy Spirit will speak to me as I wait on you for wisdom and direction for my life. What you show and direct me to do I will quickly obey. I let God have control of my heart, body, soul and spirit. I listen to him. Hear him. Obey him. The Holy Spirit will teach me all things and guide me into all truth, and show me things that are to come.
God is no respecter of persons. When anyone listens to him, God speaks. When anyone obeys him, new inspired life begins.